Kategori: Historyteacher
Holodomor course
(testing the ActivityPub federation) Dear #historyteacher I am collecting material for a history course on the #Holodomor in Ukraine 1932–33 for K12-students. Does anyone know of modern Russian history text books covering the topic or translated russian journalism from 1932–33? Any other suggestions for primarcy source material are welcome 🙂
Timelines in OneNote
- How can we help our students to connect the topics we teach? 1: Timelines as different tables on the canvas This exercise utilizes 3 cool features of OneNote: I simply created a page with 6 content boxes containing a timeline each of a history course, and then distributed the page to the individual student sections.…
Be aware and exercise your #Google #criticism
This is an idea for a history lesson on “search machine-criticism”: Homework: Watch this video [arve url=“https://www.ted.com/talks/eli_pariser_beware_online_filter_bubbles?language=en#t‑177480” title=“Google bubbles” /] In class; Test the assertions/claims in the video by changing location and Google accounts: Google the same keyword from different IP adresses: at home, in school or at work and take screenshots of the results. Ask…
Digital tools in the #history classroom
Presentation for plenary session on Council of Europe Belgrade seminar, 29/10 2015 This is my first visit to Belgrade so I hope there will be time to see the city. My name is Lars Henriksen and I have been teaching history in upper secondary school for 15 years. Over this period of time, my use of textbooks…
Kan man undervise i historie på Twitter?
Fordele og ulemper Det er klart at de 140 tegn sætter sine begrænsninger. Det er ikke her at eleverne får lært at skrive længere opgaver. Men man kan jo linke til det rigtige materiale og begrænsningen kan måske hjælpe til at formulere sine spørgsmål præcist. (På den anden side er: “Fortæl hvad du ved, tak”,…
5 ideas for a connected educator #history classroom
I would like to connect my classroom with a classroom in another country. That should be technically feasible with all the free social and collaborative tools available today, right? One purpose of history education is to empower students to be world citizens and lead the world in the future. To achieve that you need “cultural…