Kategori: Historyteacher

  • Holodomor course

    Holodomor course

    (test­ing the Activ­i­ty­Pub federation) Dear #his­to­ry­teacher I am col­lect­ing mate­r­i­al for a his­to­ry course on the #Holodomor in Ukraine 1932–33 for K12-students.  Does any­one know of mod­ern Russ­ian his­to­ry text books cov­er­ing the top­ic or trans­lat­ed russ­ian jour­nal­ism from 1932–33? Any oth­er sug­ges­tions for pri­mar­cy source mate­r­i­al are welcome 🙂

  • Timelines in OneNote

    Timelines in OneNote

    - How can we help our stu­dents to con­nect the top­ics we teach? 1: Timelines as different tables on the canvas This exer­cise uti­lizes 3 cool fea­tures of OneNote: I sim­ply cre­at­ed a page with 6 con­tent box­es con­tain­ing a time­line each of a his­to­ry course, and then dis­trib­uted the page to the indi­vid­ual stu­dent sections.…

  • Be aware and exercise your #Google #criticism

    Be aware and exercise your #Google #criticism

    This is an idea for a his­to­ry les­son on “search machine-criticism”: Homework: Watch this video [arve url=“https://www.ted.com/talks/eli_pariser_beware_online_filter_bubbles?language=en#t‑177480” title=“Google bubbles” /]   In class; Test the assertions/claims in the video by chang­ing loca­tion and Google accounts: Google the same key­word from dif­fer­ent IP adress­es: at home, in school or at work and take screen­shots of the results. Ask…

  • Digital tools in the #history classroom

    Digital tools in the #history classroom

    Presentation for plenary session on Council of Europe Belgrade seminar, 29/10 2015 This is my first vis­it to Bel­grade so I hope there will be time to see the city. My name is Lars Hen­rik­sen and I have been teach­ing his­to­ry in upper sec­ondary school for 15 years. Over this peri­od of time, my use of text­books…

  • Kan man undervise i historie på Twitter?

    Kan man undervise i historie på Twitter?

    Fordele og ulemper Det er klart at de 140 tegn sæt­ter sine begræn­sninger. Det er ikke her at elev­erne får lært at skrive læn­gere opgaver. Men man kan jo linke til det rigtige mate­ri­ale og begræn­snin­gen kan måske hjælpe til at for­mulere sine spørgsmål præ­cist. (På den anden side er: “Fortæl hvad du ved, tak”,…

  • 5 ideas for a connected educator #history classroom

    5 ideas for a connected educator #history classroom

    I would like to con­nect my class­room with a class­room in anoth­er coun­try. That should be tech­ni­cal­ly fea­si­ble with all the free social and col­lab­o­ra­tive tools avail­able today, right? One pur­pose of his­to­ry edu­ca­tion is to empow­er stu­dents to be world cit­i­zens and lead the world in the future. To achieve that you need “cul­tur­al…