Dare we go with classroom flow?

1 min­ut­ters læsning
This week I par­tic­i­pat­ed in #edchatDe, a ger­man twit­ter­chat for educators.

One of the ques­tions was :


And my answer was:


@frandevol’s answer gave me food for thought.

This week one of my lessons sur­prised me. I was intro­duc­ing terms to poet­ry analy­sis; metaphors and so forth.

The lesson’s home­work was a par­tic­u­lar poem, and I had a sched­uled plan, with an out­line of the lesson’s con­clu­sions ready in the back of my head, when I went into class.

Classroom surfing? CC-license, http://www.flickr.com/photos/usairforce/
Class­room para­chut­ing?
CC-license, http://www.flickr.com/photos/usairforce/


Then one of the stu­dents talked pas­sion­ate­ly about anoth­er poem, and I decid­ed to with her pas­sion. She googled it and copied it into a shared Google Doc.

Bum. New agen­da. Gamechang­er.  New roles.

I was­n’t mr. know-it-all any­more. The stu­dent was ahead of me as she had worked with the poem before.

I had to start ana­lyz­ing from scratch with the stu­dents. I did­n’t have a sug­gest­ed inter­pre­ta­tion of the text before­hand. And it was fun!

‘Moti­va­tion’ is a cur­rent top­ic in Den­mark’s edu­ca­tion­al debate. Some say that stu­dents are demo­ti­vat­ed by not hav­ing influ­ence on the agenda/curriculum. School is like a pre­dictable film rolling before their eyes.

How hard do you stick to your les­son plans and how do you leave room for spon­tane­ity in your planning?


2 svar til “Dare we go with classroom flow?

  1. Teach­able moments are the cor­ner­stone of engaged class­rooms. You did it!

  2. Thanks Kel­li — I agree there should be more teach­able moments. But wait, what do you mean by ‘teach­able’?

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