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2: Collaboration Project with @CenterStreet86 and her class

2 min­ut­ters læsning
My school par­tic­i­pat­ed in a region­al project with 6 oth­er schools try­ing to come up with ideas to bring the world into the class­room oth­er than embark­ing on expen­sive study trips. Inspired by this, I blogged 5 ideas to for a con­nect­ed K12 edu­ca­tor class­room , and luck­i­ly Lau­ra Hansen, Seat­tle respond­ed to this:

We devel­oped our project fur­ther using a MS (!) Word online doc­u­ment we and came up with this assign­ment for groups con­sist­ing of ss from both Lake Wash­ing­ton and Hern­ing, DK:

Task and prod­uct: Make a pre­sen­ta­tion — a cre­ative and skill­ful design that com­bines words and visu­als — on a glob­al world problem/history research ques­tion of your own choice, deter­mined col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly with your group.

The pre­sen­ta­tion is due on Feb. 5th and should, as a min­i­mum, contain:

- Title slide — with your names and photo(s) to rep­re­sent your group. Include loca­tions and the date range of collaboration

- Research Ques­tion slide — with the research ques­tion with an expla­na­tion of why it is important.

- Answers slide — with answers to your research question

- Reflec­tions on the Prob­lem slide — with reflec­tions on the dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives on the sub­ject from each side of the Atlantic: How does your loca­tion impact or influ­ence your view on the problem?

- Reflec­tions on Col­lab­o­ra­tion slide — with reflec­tions on col­lab­o­ra­tion over the Atlantic: What did you learn from this and what would you do dif­fer­ent­ly, if we choose to do it again

- Bib­li­og­ra­phy slide — with sources ful­ly and prop­er­ly cit­ed. Should pho­tos be cit­ed? YES!!

Stu­dents picked their pre­ferred pre­sen­ta­tion tool. Some used Google, some used Word and Pow­er­point Online.

My stu­dents were chal­lenged by the fact that Amer­i­can stu­dents did­n’t use Face­book in school — I had to intro­duce some of them to email! — I kid you not! Also, the 9 hour time dif­fer­ence was an obsta­cle for real-time col­lab­o­ra­tion. Ss were also short of time. But they man­aged well, you can see some exam­ples below.

Ss researched man

Some stu­dents used Pow­er­point Online, but they are not shared pub­licly. Here’s an exam­ple from a group using Google Slides .


It was fun — I would love to do this again if Lau­ra is up for it 🙂







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