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5 ideas for a #connected humanities #k12 classroom

1 min­ut­ters læsning
Connected classrooms
Con­nect­ed classrooms

I would like to con­nect my stu­dents with stu­dents in anoth­er coun­try. Maybe it does­n’t have to be very time-con­sum­ing, if you start with very small assign­ments- and then see what happens.

First, one should ask the stu­dents, what online social ice­break­er activ­i­ties to start with, when you meet new peo­ple online — maybe there should be some time for group-Skyp­ing first.

And then, on to the good and fun stuff:

Here are 5 ideas to con­nect a humanities/languages class­room — none of them test­ed in real life yet, though.I would like to try out Edmo­do as platform.

1) Lan­guage: Com­par­ing idioms/proverbs

  • Rewrite an idiom from the part­ner coun­try into you own lan­guage. (Maybe we could have some fun with Google Trans­late afterwards … )
  • Remix idioms from dif­fer­ent countries.
  • Cre­ate a video of illus­trat­ed idioms from diff. countries?

2) Lit­er­a­ture: Read a lit­er­ary clas­sic togeth­er. Cre­ate a pod­cast with a review of the book.

3) Lit­er­a­ture: Let your stu­dents intro­duce a favorite author to their for­eign peers.

4) Lan­guage and Lit­er­a­ture: Let your stu­dents intro­duce and trans­late a native-speak­ing rap artist song to each other?

5) Media: Com­pare and con­trast the news sto­ries on a par­tic­u­lar event in dif­fer­ent coun­tries: How does dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives show in the choice of words and pic­tures in the news coverage?


By the way, I also have 5 ideas to con­nect his­to­ry classrooms…

Maybe next blog should be ‘5 ideas to con­nect with teach­ers.’ — (yes , you can find me on Etwin­ning as well. )

Or ‘5 ideas to blog more or less than 5 ideas at a time’… (ok, stop rambling)









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