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1: Classroom discussion in a Sharepoint newsfeed

2 min­ut­ters læsning
Although I don’t like to be used as a pawn in the big EdtechGame of Thrones between Google and Microsoft, I am vain enough to fall for tricks like being accept­ed in ye olde knight­hood of Microsofts Inno­vate Edu­ca­tors and OneNote super­hero capes 🙂

In order to become a Microsoft Inno­v­a­tive Edu­ca­tor you have to brag pub­licly about your teach­ing skills using either video/Sway or Office Mix. I have been brag­ging pub­licly on this blog for a while, so that is no prob­lem, but I don’t like being told how to do it.

After tin­ker­ing with Sway for a while — Sway does­n’t sup­port Iframe, and I could­n’t look up Lau­ra’s tweet from inside Sway) — I decid­ed to con­tin­ue on my blog — if the knight­hood won’t accept me for this rea­son, so be it.

I under­stand that Microsoft has to pro­mote their prod­ucts — but to edu­ca­tors the name of the tool should be less impor­tant than the goals  — in this case express­ing my teaching.

Any­way, here are some ideas from this schoolyear with Microsoft and oth­er tools:


1: Class­room dis­cus­sion in a Share­point newsfeed

Share­point Newsfeed

Read­ing a Stephen King nov­el, I asked stu­dents in pairs to for­mu­late ques­tions and put the 2 best in the News­feed of a class­room web­site with #tigers . After­wards, they were asked to like/comment on/answer ques­tions from their peers. Stu­dents imme­di­ate­ly rec­og­nized the social media approach and start­ed to play around with oth­er obscure # 🙂

The teacher can also like and par­tic­i­pate — and use the feed to make some conclusions.

This could be devel­oped fur­ther by set­ting up a school­wide news­feed where ss could link up their blogs.

How about a school-wide essay-con­test, where the win­ner is decid­ed by num­ber of likes?








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